Problematic Sentences

Before: Technology does play a role in the increasing distraction of younger generations, but it is believed that the ability to become distracted is a good tool to have.

After: Technology plays a role in increased distraction, but it’s believed that the ability to become distracted is a good tool to have.

Before: This idea greatly applies to the lives of  younger generations because of how frequently everything in their lives change and how greatly dependent they are on technology.

After: This idea applies to the younger generations because of how frequently their lives change and how dependent they are on technology.

Before: Technology also gives us the ability to communicate with people from all over through several different means, such as cell phones, email, fax machines, and the various social media outlets.

After: Technology also gives us the ability to communicate with people from all over through several different means.

Before: Because of the various social media outlets, texting, phone calls, and emails, we have the ability to communicate with people from around the globe and keep up with what our peers are doing.

After: Because of all of these means of communication, we have the ability to communicate with people from around the globe and keep up with what our peers are doing.

Before: If teachers can change their way of teaching to bring more technology into the classroom, the students will see more of a purpose in what their doing and will be more willing to learn.

After: If teachers can incorporate more technology into their teaching, the students will see more of a purpose in what their doing and will be more willing to learn.

Before: It has been proven that if you listen to music while doing work with your hands, your efficiency and alertness will be enhanced.

After: It has been proven that listening to music while doing specific types of work, efficiency and alertness will be enhanced.