Framing Letter

Learning Outcome 1

Before coming into this class, when I would have to revise a paper, I would just look for changes in things such as sentence structure and spelling, as most people do like Sommers stated. In my first paper, when revising, I was mostly looking for local revisions. I soon learned that I needed to make more global revisions. By my third paper I felt more confident with making global revisions. When revising this paper I looked to change things such as organization, placement of quotes, and what sources would really fit with specific ideas. I would read the paper completely without making any marks or changes. Then I would reread it and mark any global revisions that stand out to me. Once I mark up my paper for global revisions, I go through and make these revisions. For the third paper, I mostly reorganized and properly placed and cited my quotes. Once I make the global revisions, I will read the paper and look for local revisions, such as spelling errors and sentence structure. After I did all of these revisions, I read the paper once more just to be sure that I didn’t miss anything regarding either global or local revisions. The fact that since the beginning of the semester I have improved my ability to be more aware of global revisions shows me that I have broadened my “philosophy” of revision.


Learning Outcome 2

I used sources as evidence in a few different ways throughout my third paper. I mainly used summary of ideas and direct quotes. The summaries and quotes I used helped me prove the claims that I was making throughout the paper.

A survey found that 4 in 5 internet users have been exposed to different forms of this over the past year. Even though a lot of people in this survey have been exposed to forms of online hate, 93% of these people say they have seen uplifting comments in response to the hate, which is always a good thing(Gani).

This is an idea from a source I used in my third paper. Instead of using quotes for this, I put a summary of the idea and then cited it. This was a way for me to still support my claim, while avoiding adding too many quotes and making my paper flow better. I think I have become better at summarizing author’s ideas and integrating quotes over this past semester. I have started to realize that the quotes I integrate into my papers don’t need to be very lengthy. It is definitely good to have some longer quotes, but it is also ok to have some shorter ones within the paper.

Learning Outcome 5 and 6

Making local revisions and citing sources in MLA format came very easy for me. We focused a lot on local revisions and MLA format while I was in high school.

Richard Restak Emerging Textbook Attention Deficit: The Brain Syndrome of Our Era pgs. 372-386

This is how you cite an essay in MLA format.

Citing sources in MLA format can be difficult at first, but their is sources you can use to help. There’s books and websites that show you how to properly cite MLA format. The Little Seagull is a book we used this semester that helped with learning how to use MLA format.

Learning Outcome 4

Over the semester I’ve been getting better with peer reviews. I have started putting more comments on papers. I think this is because I’ve been more aware of global revisions. I was told throughout the semester to put at least 2 comments on each page of my peers essay. It was really hard for me to do this in the beginning of the semester because I wasn’t really looking for global revisions. Towards the end of the semester I looked for global revisions, so it made putting at least two comments on each page less of a challenge. Although it was easier, it still was hard for me because I still need practice with looking for global revisions. As I get more practice, I will easily have a sufficient amount of comments to make.